Friday, February 04, 2005

this is from one of my all-time fave poets...Shel Silverstein (who, if anyone is interested in- has a new book of drawings out...) and to lighten the mood of this bloggie....

somebody has to go polish the stars
They're looking a little bit dull
somebody has to go polish the stars,
for the eagles and starlings and gulls
have all been complaining and they're tarnished and worn,
they say they want new ones we cannot afford.
so please get your rags
and your polishing jars,
somebody has to go polish the stars.
highly recommend his books: the giving tree, where the sidewalk ends, the light in the attic...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HayLik, I love that! And yeah, your blog could do with some lightening... slightly morbid at times... Shel Silverstein is great - Malkie's a big fan. When are you coming to visit your British friend here in quiet Basking Ridge? Call me - 718 755 0536...

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I have not read Nietzsche or Ibsen, nor any other philosopher, and have not needed to do it, and have not desired to do it; I have gone to the fountainhead for information -- that is to say, to the human race. Every man is in his own person the whole human race, with not a detail lacking. I am the whole human race without a detail lacking; I have studied the human race with diligence and strong interest all these years in my own person; in myself I find in big or little proportion every quality and every defect that is findable in the mass of the race. I knew I should not find in any philosophy a single thought which had not passed through my own head, nor a single thought which had not passed through the heads of millions and millions of men before I was born; I knew I should not find a single original thought in any philosophy, and I knew I could not furnish one to the world myself, if I had five centuries to invent it in. Nietzsche published his book and was at once pronounced crazy by the world -- by a world which included tens of thousands of bright, sane men who believed exactly as Nietzsche believed, but concealed the fact, and scoffed at Nietzsche. What a coward every man is! and how surely he will find it out if he will just let other people alone and sit down and examine himself. The human race is a race of cowards; and I am not only marching in that procession but carrying a banner." Hinda, my soothsayer, I liked this, and I thought you would do. Much love. L.

10:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got my back to the sun 'cause the light is too intense
I can see what everybody in the world is up against
You can't turn back - you can't come back, sometimes we push too far
One day you'll open up your eyes and you'll see where we are
Some of these bootleggers, they make pretty good stuff
Plenty of places to hide things here if you wanna hide 'em bad enough
For anyway we see for anyway we look somone is always trying to grow on us, answer without words just conceal your attractive hook.
This is what i see in this blog that conceds me

Not that this fits (even though for some reason I feel it does) Im gonna start commenting by leaving you with this one.

11:39 PM  

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