Monday, March 14, 2005

Rick- you've made an interesting point, a whole topic evolving from the discussion on evolution :) Take my word on it hon, you will recover from the System :). You sort of touched a nerve- and being that its a loaded issue i am not sure how to address it. Still, being that most of us are in a limenal state- suspended somewhere between the roles of student and teacher (or in both) it's a safe zone to offer some healthy here it goes :) I agree with you that by repressing whole controversial issues teachers acknowledge their obvious ignorance; consciously telling their pupils that they lack the appropriate answers to their very real questions. Tools of manipulation, inspired by this fear and discomfort, used to harness the greater quest for learning is shameful indeed. To place the curious mind in a rigorous steel-braced corset of desensitization (with out valid reason) is in fact the anti-thesis of education. Boundaries are necessary, as law is the axis upon with society functions- but how do we interpet these limitations? how do we create them? in moral terms? in religious context? or in a warped social hierarchy? and what of those artistically gifted youths that do not follow in the average vein of convention? do we willingly let their G-d given creativity rot in the gutter because the white-hot force makes us uneasy? What of the students, as you stated Rick, that mentally Google'd 'evolution' the moment they were told to rip in out of their textbooks? My personal teaching philosophy is to emit inspiration and then information. In my limited experience i have found that if the young mind is healthily exercised and challenged it will recognize the open-endedness of the topic and voluntarily revisit the subject. Judaism is a faith that demands scholarship, and what is Chassidut if not the philosophy of the question? Teachers should not stifle but guide- presenting an enticing ripe green apple that grows somewhere between knowing and not quite knowing... the school's mission statement should be to teach how to think not how to memorize. If community teachers claim to hold Truth. they needn't fear fallacious theories, because if fact by their dismissal they give it credence. Today, the teachers of tomorrow must ask themselves do we wish to perpetuate a self-desctructive convention or perpetuate a rich culture in its organic depth? do we feel that we can monopolize faith and insure a single interpetation- when in fact we should encourage our students to discover a meaningful and personal G-d within custom? I am not saying that we should allow a fragmentation of faith, but see it all- in all its beautiful color, sound and flavour...
It is the teacher that holds the flame in the confusion of youth. it is knowledge that brings not clarity but the definition to life. How one emerges from that troubling darkness is directly affected by his teachers. We must acquire our hate and appreciation, be taught to fear and judge. Richard Wilbur has a great poem that emphasizes this point:

The warped night air having brought the boom
Of an owl's voice in her darkened room,
We tell the wakened child that all she heard
Was an odd question from a forest bird,
Asking of us, if rightly listened to,
"Who cooks for you?" and then "Who cooks for you?"

Words, which can make our terrors bravely clear,
Can also thus domesticate a fear,
And send a small child back to sleep at night
Not listening for the sound of stealthy flight
Or dreaming of some small thing in a claw
Borne up to some dark branch and eaten raw.

After that point we must will ourselves to study- mandate our own education and seize control of what we are to become. as i told you, this is a subject that hits home- i hope that you've made it to here- i did not mean to go into lecture mode (blogs make me ramble:) still i hope the issue was presented adquately- i earnestly await your responses :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hind...sitting here in sem thinking about you evolution article...really liked what you had to say, and wish i had the brain power/motivation to write a response on it...i was thinking about evolution, and of how in ninth grade bio we had to rip those papers out of our text-books, bc reading it would be detrimental to our faith (obviously the curious one hit "evolution" on google, first second they came home..)anyways, it got me thinking, why did the school not teach us how to deal with this controversy, how to logically sort through it and dismiss in response to your well-thought out peice, i was thinking maybe you should write a peice about faith and organized religion...something to the effect teaching and guiding children to believe vs. brainwashing.... go get it!

3:23 PM  
Blogger Miryum said...

ever thought of this regarding Isreal:
"for isreal and jews alike the problem is not so much Arabs, but the fact that Isreal is held to different standerds. We are both Western and middle Esastern. We hold ourselves to Western standerds of morality and ethics, but we are in a very middle Estern kind of fight. Isreal's problem is that it is a nation of Jews and we Jews tend to over-intellectualize matters in a situation were violence is impulsive and spontaneous.
"For example, Isreal is the only society in the region that will invent ingenious methods of defending itself then qwestioning those same methods. Isreal has this kind of hesitation and slef-criticismthat both make it both a wondeful place and a dangerous place."
If you need to explain to anyone what you think of Isreal in A nut shell this aint bad, thats what i thought for the most part.

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Hinday, you are tackling it all. Here I sit typing away with nothing to say, but as I was asked to comment, you are stuck to read my ever so futile words. On my finger which is the "pointer" finger I have a ring. It was in one of those junk bowls in the front of a store that had all this junk for $1 and under. Found a ring with some funny design on it, didn't quite get what it was but needless to say I bought it anyway. As I was driving around town one day I was looking at the wheel and noticed that "funny design" on my finger actually reads... PIMP.There I sat crackin up in my car all by my lone - true pimphood and my car is a dark shade of mint green, so that detail just validated it all. Disposed of the ring, and it came back to me once then twice and it is now the fourth time that I have found it again. Perhaps G-d is trying to send me a message that this is my true calling. I cry out to the L-rd from the depths of my despair and hope through pimphood I will not walk alone.........

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

[all this intense blogging got me thinking, and thinking, and thinking... so heres an ode to thinking..]

Life was always too kind to me, so I searched for the cruelty, the darkness, and the sadness, which was hidden beneath the sunshine. Searching for my demons has always been my favorite past time, and destroying them has never been a favorite activity. Wallowing in depression, in self pity, the destruction which I alone created was a hobby, a habit, an answer to the interviewer’s question; “What do you do in your free time?” Socrates says that a life not examined is not worth living; I say that a life which is over examined can not be lived.

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To my fellow audience members. I hope each of you take the time to click on next blog. you might find yourself beneath the scarves...

3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To my fellow audience members. I hope each of you take the time to click on next blog. you might find yourself beneath the scarves...

3:59 PM  

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