Thursday, December 08, 2005

azoy... it's midnight

ding dong... not a pumpkin yet... then again not really much of a princess [unless you can count a cowboy boot as a glass slipper, in which i ride my own horse, which ultimately defeats the purpose of having a prince].
Randomly sitting in Raja's house watching Esther attempt to swallow our pasta creation. How many intellectuals/artists/pseudo-artists/pseudo intellectuals does it take to cook a bloody pot of pasta (where i am currently being blamed for over salted mushrooms despite the fact that Rashi freely admits to having poured the mountains of salt to begin with.) The nocturnal society has had its first official meeting (and Werdie apparently has gotten the salt factor and is enjoying the remainder of the onion-mushroom salt combo despite the imminent fear of dehydration). We have it figured out pretty good... Raja reads my papers (in search of sense) and I cook her pasta (that is search of something edible...)
azoy gut.
azoy a nacht.
good thing i got seven hours to finish The Paper.
there's soot on my face.
and Esther has bought Spanish olive oil... [as if there's a difference.]


Blogger Lea said...

this is what happens when you guys get left to your own devices.

stay away from the kitchen.

actually, that biscotti was pretty good.

12:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If only socialism had a social life...

what's cooking?
gimme a ring sometime.

a word from dave:

"If I were a king
If I had everything
If I had you
Then I could give you your dreams
If I were giant sized
On top of it all
Tell me what in the world
would I go on for
If I had it all"

12:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

see that's why Dave [how poetic for the anti-poet] is the coolest misplaced Hawaiian cowboy I know...
[glad you're in the promotion business ;)]
and honey... despite my lack of communication i am thinking of you, that is when my brain is defrosted enough to maintain cognitive functions...

spoke to Sister Chany today in regard to editing job for shluchim office.azoy cool.
still cyberspace doesn't qualify.
will call... [and Dave too when i figure out how to maintain my smoke signal...]

look to the east, my talented newt....

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a cowboy? yeah, he's a serious DP.
btw, it's from dave matthews- sorry i didn't specify and i am slowly coming to the realization that not everyone listens to the DMB, but either way, save the whales.

and, you getting a job with Sister Chani? too cool for school! she is the way to

5:38 PM  

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