I am caught somewhere between sleep and wakefulness,
in a dance of limbo between unconsciousness and consciousness,
as always there is so much to say and there is nothing to say...
Enter the Liminal State...
whenever i hear that term i think of my professor from last spring [K. Bruffee to be precise] who repeated himself so many times i can never forget the sonnet he taught:
That time of year thou may'st in my behold...
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou see'st the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth from the west;
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.
Well that's only half... but i don't want to write the rest, i'm pretty sure i proved my point. Liminality [which is a word] is feeling the winter chill on a sunny day in September....or watching the sky pause for a half an hour of 'no day' until it finally finds night...it's your first blush....the buzz of knowing and yet not quite knowing.... Last night, as part of wonderful Aussie dinner a friend was trying to pin point the state she currently finds herself in... we finally figured it out... it's called: restlesness.
The knowledge that you are not here or there...
For some reason i don't think that's called being nowhere. I really don't. I don't think the space of 'nowhereness' is necessarily negative. Because it's late, and i'm tired, and i am just not in the mood being witty, funny or entertaining right now i'll tell you this much, it's my favorite place to be at...and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. There's a vibe to being in the moment of making a choice...before you've decided to go right or left, to travel to Dublin or Paris, or eat vanilla or chocolate ice cream [although for me i always end up with vanilla or its surrounding cousins].
There' s an energy in that place that must be acknoweldged and most importantly respected.
Some people say this is the 'youth or pre-married' state. I'm not sure. I don't think adolescence is an easy thing to go thru, nor do i think you ever reach a complete feeling of being settled [except in death but that's just me and my 'morbidness']. We must always look for more, seek more, love more, and try to reach beyond our current state and capacity... otherwise how can we convince ourselves that we are still living?
Restlessness isn't boredom. And yet if it doesn't somehow translate into a vibrating pulse, a buzz that gets you 'hight' it is wasted, forgotten, a beautiful moment left to rot in the gutters of time.
So if you are in a state of restlessness, if you are somewhere that you cannot pinpoint, somewhere nisht a hei oi nisht a her... stop running the treadmill of anxiety, stop worrying about your 'nowhereness'. Because you are somewhere. Think of the moment, seriously stop and reflect inwardly until you can embrace the blessed state and use it to do something you never thought was possible...
and yes... my 'saturday nights' are boring... but i like them that way.
in a dance of limbo between unconsciousness and consciousness,
as always there is so much to say and there is nothing to say...
Enter the Liminal State...
whenever i hear that term i think of my professor from last spring [K. Bruffee to be precise] who repeated himself so many times i can never forget the sonnet he taught:
That time of year thou may'st in my behold...
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou see'st the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth from the west;
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.
Well that's only half... but i don't want to write the rest, i'm pretty sure i proved my point. Liminality [which is a word] is feeling the winter chill on a sunny day in September....or watching the sky pause for a half an hour of 'no day' until it finally finds night...it's your first blush....the buzz of knowing and yet not quite knowing.... Last night, as part of wonderful Aussie dinner a friend was trying to pin point the state she currently finds herself in... we finally figured it out... it's called: restlesness.
The knowledge that you are not here or there...
For some reason i don't think that's called being nowhere. I really don't. I don't think the space of 'nowhereness' is necessarily negative. Because it's late, and i'm tired, and i am just not in the mood being witty, funny or entertaining right now i'll tell you this much, it's my favorite place to be at...and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. There's a vibe to being in the moment of making a choice...before you've decided to go right or left, to travel to Dublin or Paris, or eat vanilla or chocolate ice cream [although for me i always end up with vanilla or its surrounding cousins].
There' s an energy in that place that must be acknoweldged and most importantly respected.
Some people say this is the 'youth or pre-married' state. I'm not sure. I don't think adolescence is an easy thing to go thru, nor do i think you ever reach a complete feeling of being settled [except in death but that's just me and my 'morbidness']. We must always look for more, seek more, love more, and try to reach beyond our current state and capacity... otherwise how can we convince ourselves that we are still living?
Restlessness isn't boredom. And yet if it doesn't somehow translate into a vibrating pulse, a buzz that gets you 'hight' it is wasted, forgotten, a beautiful moment left to rot in the gutters of time.
So if you are in a state of restlessness, if you are somewhere that you cannot pinpoint, somewhere nisht a hei oi nisht a her... stop running the treadmill of anxiety, stop worrying about your 'nowhereness'. Because you are somewhere. Think of the moment, seriously stop and reflect inwardly until you can embrace the blessed state and use it to do something you never thought was possible...
and yes... my 'saturday nights' are boring... but i like them that way.
are you a mystic, maverick, or merrymaker? thank G-d they keep writing books about chabad and sometime's it's ladies.
as a general philosophy i think categories are not meant for people... in fact you shouldn't put a label on anything that's not in a can...
and as an obessive book worm me'self i feel confident saying that there's only so much you could experience in a book...
[tho' for some reason, i've yet to the read the one you're referring too]
and whatever clothing, face or feeling we appear under... i like to think, we're all looking for the same thing.
namastaei anonymous.
hi hinda,
just leaving my footsteps once again.
a message to THE DUDE!!
i am so sorry we got caught off [twice...think that's a sign]??
tomorrow 8:30am PCT major prayer being said for you [even tho' i know you don't need it]
let me know how the LSATS go-
[and don't worry the prayers for good coffee]
be thinkin' about you... until Berkely
If you would like to get your profile back to the top of the page. You have to either shorten or get rid of your second link it's too wide.
thank you.
i appreciate that helpful piece of information. i've been wondering how to do that for quite a while...
Glad to help.
Hey Hin,
No time to comment, just wanted to say 'Allo, hope you have a great day, etc, etc.
When will u be in the Holy Land?
Love Moi
Le bon matin Angelique
puits je pense qu'assez de choses de ma vie sont publiques sur ce blog si nous essaierons l'écriture il en français... j'espère venir throught le 1 janvier le 15 donnent ou prennent un jour ou deux.
Comment de vous ?
Où quand et serez-vous ?
Ce serait agréable pour vous voir cherie.
[Je devrais juste rentre à Paris que je manque parler français, le type plus souvent ou je peux perdre cette langue une fois pour toutes.]
ta ta petite pois.
Hindy, ma chere...
Moi et ma famille parte pour Israel le 22 de Decembre, et on restera la jusqu'a le 2eme de janvier, je croire. Alors, il reste que un jour pour faire une rendezvous... On vera.
Dit moi, ma chere, si tu vien au Paris, ca sera super, je peux prende le Eurostar et etre la dans 2 heures est demi!
Ne t'inquete pas... Ton francais est encore bien... C'est moi qui perde... Je ne jamias utilise ma Francais, est en plus, souvent je parle en Hebrew, alors... il n'y a pas souffice de place dans ma tete pour Francais aussi...
Brefe. Il faut que je parte maintenant, j'espere que tout va bien chez toi...
Ciao ciao mon amie...
Oh le miel- sont nous pas tout étant mis dans cette machine à laver d'hommes et de mariage ? ? Juste faire ce que vous fait heureux. Bien sûr j'aimerais vous voir quand vous êtes dans l'Israël. je suis dois finaliser mon arrangments de billet je les posterai en haut [en français bien sûr] et nous le calculerons hors. Les meilleurs égards à votre famille.. Et oui le Eurostar est incroyable.
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