Greetings girls, boys, spiritual hobos, holy nomads, cowgirls in need of cows, hair collectors, mad dreamers, furious sceamers, mystics of reality, magic bean buyers, perpeutal liars, heart worshipppers, work-a-holic poets, elusive musicians, holy ambassadors, and of course, the Amazon princesses. wel-o-come new friends, old friends, uncertain friends, cautious friends, anonymous friends, shalom to this little world of madness, laughter, nothingness, everythingness and of course communication.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
In the name of a very wise Aussie friend "today sucks, it just absolutely sucks"... today is the kind of day that you want an addiction to sidetrack your brain from thinking how bad the day actually is. Could you believe that I awoke with full knowledge that today would be one disaster after another?? [think minor firework eruptions with each passing minute] First i fell out of bed when turning off my militant alarm clock [killed both my knees on the bed frame], took a geogology test before i opened my eyes [horrific subject, vile teacher] and kept going [should have listened to my inner chakra] and proceeded to have the most spectacularly worst day ever. Survey results were messed up, homework could not be concentrated on, writing has withered and abandoned me, coffee was crap-o-la, and it took my train 45 minutes to show up... It still amazes me how awful a day could actually turn out. Clearly with representation of self so profoundly out of wack it is not the day to meet the President, future employer, extraterrestrial life, the mailpersonnel or even acknowledge my pet turtle. The only think of to escape my one-woman disaster zone was to run away to this tiny craft shoppe called 'sew therapy' [the only therapy besides dry martini humour i can currently afford] and bought the most beautiful yarn [not to strangle myself with- i assure you] to possibly undertake a productive project. Still, next time i feel one of these days coming along I am not going to bother attempting to function, or try and pretend to have normal civilized conversations with people, in fact i am going to do what i do best: take a pint of vanilla ice cream, a portable laptop and not even try to get beyond the region of my abusive bed...... on the bright side in a couple hours this too shall pass ... and as always gd bless airline tickets...
this may explain some recent occurences. teehee.
cooooooooooool me and "someone with 'no language'" posted at the exact same time!!!!!!! that was totally arsome. hindy, your blog is the place for dreams to come true!!! :):):):)::):)
Thanks for the article c. I think some of my inner fears have just been confirmed. H.L KAYE what happened to all your archives?? I could really use a fix of some good blogging right about now. I hope you didn’t make any rash decisions on a bad day that you can’t reverse, because if you did you would definitely be in the running for the low down dirty shame award.
and i am about to burn a cake.
this may explain some recent occurences.
Your writings are terrific, loving it. Keep them coming and enjoy the ice cream.
cooooooooooool me and "someone with 'no language'" posted at the exact same time!!!!!!! that was totally arsome. hindy, your blog is the place for dreams to come true!!! :):):):)::):)
and miki here.
chanale, you're just way too funny for this. why you deleted your blog is beyond me
Thanks for the article c. I think some of my inner fears have just been confirmed.
H.L KAYE what happened to all your archives?? I could really use a fix of some good blogging right about now. I hope you didn’t make any rash decisions on a bad day that you can’t reverse, because if you did you would definitely be in the running for the low down dirty shame award.
sorry depends on my mood
whether i choose to acknoweldge the past of not.
How can you ignore your past? It's our yesterdays that created our today.
Are they ever coming back?
alright aright
no brain picking
vintage jeans,
who you?
Just a passing admirer.I'm the Wandering ramble, learning a language, you can check out my blog.
where does he come from where does he go, where does he come from, cot nei joe.
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