Sunday, December 25, 2005

we live in a world without privacy. although i've always known that we live in the Era of the Bilboard, tonight someone asked me a question and it struck me as so odd... i couldn't help thinking isn't that private? doesn't that qualify as an intimate piece of information? as close as i am with this person, i couldn't help but wonder: why should i tell you that? i am convinced that people think that if you are unable to share every detail of information about your being you are playing the 'aloof' or 'secretive' card only to get more attention. well.... i have an arguing theory...maybe we've all abandoned the beauty of intimate space. maybe we've given up privacy out of emotional desperation, out of the need for attention, and for about a million in one other reasons. maybe the answer to our generation of lost souls lies in the reconstruction of the Private Sector, in the Meditation of Personal Quiet.

i have another theory that communication is more difficult when there is less privacy. when there's no established space, when there are no boundaries, there is Nothing to share because Everything is readily available. Who wants to get to know someone that's already known? To me, there's nothing like keeping something all to yourself.. True, some people are naturally more introverted, and some of us are a strange hybrid breed... still, just because you are friendly, sociable, 'out there' [whatever that term means] or even outspoken individual, doesn't mean that there is no borderline. doesn't mean there isn't a cut off point that clearly reads NO TRESPASSING. it gets me very nervous when people do not respect that Line. and even more crazy when they do not respect it in themselves. I feel like demanding that they do. RESPECT THYSELF. i feel like shouting for Absolute Silence of Self and offerring guided tours to this strange and foreign place called Inner Quiet, The Self in its Selfishness, The Inner Silence, a place that i feel leads in the general direction of Inner Peace...

i've always believed in secrets. there's nothing wrong in keeping private things private. that doesn't make me a prude or an anal retentive conservative [cuz lord knows i'm not]. maybe that's why i've always fantasized about retiring at the age 21 to the Cliffs of Moher, giving up on humanity [to some degree] becoming a village wise woman and writing books in Quiet... . it makes me smile to myself as i walk down the street at 2am,... all the strange and wonderful things in my head that i don't need to explain that no one in the whole world knows this, needs to know this or get this... cept little ol' me.

happy holidays to you all... enjoy this time with your loved ones [even if its somewhat too much], and may the lights of peace, patience and love shine around the world


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your secret is out. :)

I think the issue is, that some people, at times wil be open more then happy to discuss a given topic and then at other times close up and decide that the topic is suddenly "private".
It's the inconsistencies that drive people crazy and may end up hurting friends.

3:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Just because we are always talking does not necessarily mean we are communicating!”

9:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job, Language, you've said exactly what I would have.

Hind, you're such a goof. Goof in a patchwork quilt on Christmas. It's (occasionaly) endearing. And if keeping myself informed on your endearingness puts me over the line, I say: I'm a glutton for that taste of punishment.

So, um, too bad! Hehe.

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"what we have here is a failure to communicate."

Cool Hand Luke

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so my fairy god mother:

what was the question??

see you in the office tomorrow...
bring me books please.


6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hinda you need a slightly bigger dose of experience on human relations. it is a c o m p l e x mass of garbage. it is not black und white. get boyfriend. experiment with some invasions of privacy. or just get a real friend perhaps. one that you actually do want to share something with. seems you think friends are for drinking beer out of large glasses in pubs full of strange men. or maybe to soothe your wise old oh so secretive soul/ego when they read your bloggish outpourings. either youll grow up or you wont. i shall enjoy the process either way. have a party sharing secrets with yourself. isnt it great when youve finally spit it out and only YOURE there for acceptance and understanding???? yeah i thought so.
p.s if the answer were no would it still be that private? hmmm

1:11 AM  
Blogger HindiK said...

oy anon.

privacy is not equated with loneliness or desperation.

how kind of you to prove my point in your own rude way.

2:14 AM  

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