Saturday, February 18, 2006

ma responds..

lovely hearing from you all.

to mrs. krinsky's victim- krinsky is with a 'y' and we like it that way. i'm too old to change. anybody who admits to being my victim, is definitely not my victim, so dream on... you're not it. i know who my victim is [Hindi interjects: my mother is not a paranoid schizophrenic]. but thanks for the post anyway- it just made me feel great- blog-wise.

to the EX:i believe that names are given at birth should remain for 120 eons. much thought went into your parents picking your name....poor grandpa... i hope he's not making too many 'koolahs', like Hinda Leah's poor great great grandmother (who she happens to resemble in scary ways- they both hate/d eggs) [Hindi: my mother consciously wants to sound like a NERD and no, we are not at all embarrassed- embrace your inner Nerdom.... Mama: "That's only because i let you live here rent free" ....Hindi: uh.... Mama: "I will not listen to you with that stupid name spelling...get back on that post and change it!" ....Hindi: hahahhahah]

our guest is saying that his grandfather said "don't call a stupid kid, Stupid... stupid."

Lea-We haven't seen you in a long time- the door is always open and we'll leave the light on.

Sari-We missed your friday night conversation and your refereeing- how IS your appendix holding up? Did the remedies help?? I guess they weren't so effective because you never returned for more kitchen potions. i love blogging, but i type pretty slow and Hindy doesn't always want to help me... (currently there are tears in my eyes from laughing- oy...)

it's a good thing i only have three minutes a day for computer time, usually spent deleting the emails from flathunting that hindy got me stuck with.
but i still like her.i'll keep her for a while... but not much longer. to be honest we're thinking of turning her extremely large, well light, beautiful room into a home office. feel free to write about various topics or personal issues. social work is my field [Hindi: omg- she's advertising!!] and i'll answer... i'm thinking becoming the next cyber Dr. Mary [Phil-ish] [Hindi: what?! since when are ALL my friends messed up??!!! Ma: Not messed up.... just not the run of insult intended... any friend of yours is friend of mine...hindi: well, usually, anyway.

shalom. and shavuah tov.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Hindi/y's mom!
Haven't been to the blog in a bit, but you two cracked me up, yet again (my throat is on fire, every bit of laughter is painful). Thanks for the message.... I definintely missed playing referee...or at least interjecting and watching your highly entertaining conversations. I'll be back (the Hawaii contingent needed quite a bit of time and attention, but they're out of here as of tomorrow). Delayed feedback... I tried convincing myself that the remedies helped, then experimented with hot water bottles, classic drugs, food and drink...NOTHING worked. Eventually though, it subsided.
See you soon, keep on blogging. (send my love to the surviving fish)

2:06 PM  

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