Sunday, August 27, 2006

headlights and moonbeams

oh man i needed this....
air.........uninterrupted, unregurgiated air...............................
just give me a fleece sweater, some miserable weather, a thermos of coffee, and i'm happy...refreshing..... tis the anti-head-noise that makes it blissful.
i never believe in copping out, and i hate most of Freud and psychology in general-
so to address the anonymous poster [not so anonymous] who remarks on my 'going for the gold' and Prince Charming...yes, you can do it all... if you haven't been thusly convinced that you cannot. in fact, this weekend i was walking down some unknown country road... passed a dilapidated ol' building that must have once been somebody's house... with a big wide porch and half hanging shutters.... with a tire swing... a big old clod of deceased life.

we're not here for much time... we have a couple years to live to our maximum give , to understand, to make a real difference... why the hell should a person spend most of that time wasting their energy on stupid social stupidities? Why waste your youth, your talents, your glorious glory days as a dim-wit secratary and dressing-shopping all afternoon for some date with some guy for some reason??? people- we're just missing the whole point. you can't understand love, life, being, until you understand yourself. why the fear? become the impossible... do the unreal.... be yourself...and be it all the way.

yes, the 'love of your life' will come when it comes and i believe in that. but i also and equally believe that you should not waste your time nor define yourself by the length and timeliness of that finding. i think you should make yourself happy for your own right, without any man, wihtout any stuff, without anything but your own space and spirit. i think you have to have success as a woman before you can appreciate success wiht a man and an eventual family.

my fingers are freezing from the cold. i have to stop before they fall off. i wish the sky would clear up... the moon out here is not providing much light... still, i'm waiting for dawn.


Blogger Nemo said...

And what if one appreciates the shallow? What if that is 'them?'

Will you say that they've lived an unaccomplishing life? Where do you draw the line between satisfaction and progress?

7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not so anonymous? hmm.. i wonder who u think i am :-)

i don't know.. i just don't know. in theory what you say makes sense-except for this. however cliche it might be.

ur not gona feel complete untill you have someone to love and share it all with.... your other half.. etc etc etc

and also this- does not securing for yourself a lawful wedding husband- fall amongst your long list of ambitions and aspirations?
you can have it all, if you want something bad enough what is going to stop you? so go for gold- its not gold until you have the man of your dreams by your side.

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's not shallowness you're talking's security.
big difference.
'safe' people live a 'safe life' with all the ordinariness and mediocrity thus implied. i believe that most people, as a rule, resist concsiousness from fear as what it may compell them to do.

alright alright. i cannot see thru your cloak of invisibility [not yet, anyway ;)] i think i understand what you're saying [the 1/2 1/2 theory we can call it ;)] let's say instead of having to be a successful woman [with the frightful spinster CEO imagery] we'll call it understanding and being a good half. how can you know that you've met the man of your dreams if you don't know what your dream are?

when you decide to be with someone, you should be with them entirely, not absorbed in their presence, not indifferent to their existence. marriage is not an end goal, 'tis a means in the process.... you should share. and be there. takes self-awareness that, and some real knowledge of who you are and what distinct goals you have set out for your life.

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to give to understand to make a real difference. ha. a real difference WHERE? to whom? boogy down into reality for a moment. noone makes a real difference!!! the only thing you can do is make yourself happy and if being a "dim-wit secretary" or "dressing-shopping all afternoon" makes someone happy then GOOD FOR THEM. clearly i expect you to find great difficulty in understanding love. for someone with talent so immense, depth of personality and heavy doses of youth and glory, i imagine itll take light years for the love of your life to come when it comes. you dont like psychology because you dont appreciate what it says about you. you think you know better. are you really going down this road with conviction or are you simply dreaming of the view from the top where you can watch all the little dim-wit ants crawling about and thus feel very warm and fuzzy about yourself? perhaps if you toned down the vanity it might stop choking your true creativity.


p.s. "stupid social stupidities"..hmm sounds like someones ANGRY. why are you angry about someone elses life? dont you realize if everyone were being as risky as you say you want them to be, youd get no attention at all???

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mazal Tov Aunty Hindy!

she is beautiful!
we called your phone the day of and the proud Father answered.

Lots of love and blessing!

We will see you soon wen we come in for Shlaime's wedding.

5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a mutual friend of ours from au once declared that she is "a whole half person!" i liked that. it's a possible model, straddles both the feeling of personal accomplishment/completeness as well as the nagging sensation that, im kol zeh, something is still amiss...

8:08 PM  
Blogger Nemo said...

"i believe that most people, as a rule, resist concsiousness from fear as what it may compell them to do."

Or because they realize that it's a never ending struggle to accomplish an elusive goal so they resign to "simplicity" and "security."

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

besides the obvious attack and pathetic sarcasm... what exactly is your point?

i've never sought to be a rebel, nor do i encourage it. i simply think people ought to be conscious of themelves and their choices.

and yes, that should have said 'stupid social civilities' [a bad phrase i'll admit]. and if you think i'm spending all this time, all this effort, all these years for vanity and applause than clearly you have no idea what i'm doing.

ta ta

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and nemo-

also true.

better to struggle in process than live with unsatisfying product.

*personal opinion*

9:17 PM  
Blogger Nemo said...


10:20 PM  
Blogger AC said...

Read some Erich Fromm you seem to be on some of his pages.

10:54 PM  

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