Tuesday, August 01, 2006

yodellll lay wee blogeth

thank goodness all my passwords are the same or there'd be no rememberin' this thingy majingy... alright alright i'm updatin' for what purpose i know not... but then again there'll be lots of my not knowin' so this ain't the first.
so where am i these days... uhm... hmm... trying to figure out the difference between the East Side and West Side [it's 5th avenue, not broadway!] this was something i should have learned before i volunteered to be an usher at the second street theater to go see a so-so play... also knee deep in yeats and bialik-land [which is essentially just going in smaller and smaller circles till epinaphous stumble over thesis point]. i am also an official member of the yeats society of new york [i have no idea how that one happened]. just finished 8 week summer session and rejoicing in sleeping until 9am.....in global news... i am in search of a name for the group i'm organizing to go to Africa or Latin America this Janvier with the American Jewish Congress [yes people i actually filled out the paperwork]. ten slots. ten days. it's going to be so wayy awesome [i'm really hopin for Senegal or Uganda... El Salvador would also be cool- Lea- Carmen's mishpacha]. it's nice to have all the friends home even if i barely see them [smoke signal on Carroll Street- gotta plan Rosario's BIG 21- stupeeed girl actually wants a pawtee]... Uhm... so i actually took a job for next year.. assistant director of hebrew school at basking ridge... got a beautiful office [with a huge stash of nosh already selected by Ari Herson himself]... and a new hydrangea for my zen like work space [courtesy of the pops]. i've started learning latin [mostly because i unintentionally stole someone else's book and took it as a sign.... also will be finishing compiling data for the upcoming APA conference looks like i'll i might get a presentation with possible publication [who cares as long as i have something to submit and write on my curriculum vitae]. blah blah ignore the jargonese... overloaded with applications [hopin' for princeton mostly] and in major life avoidance of taking the G-R-E [grotesque repuslive exam] which basically tests how well you remember 5th grade math and if you went to Latin prep...................... and for the last bit of joyous Hindisms..........we await any-day-arrival of first and only and bestest grandchild/neice/nephew............................. i love aunthood. apparently i have a new-found children's book obsession [okay not so new found, but recently at an imflammatory level].
i depart now... life's wonderful... confusing, slightly deranged, ordinarily explosive... but only in between the wonderful-lness... gd bless the Hebrews. despite electric shortages- don't forget to fire-up the fire flies


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hen Hind-

Thanks for letting us know you are alive..I'm off to Cali now, so I guess I shall see/talk to you some other time.

All the best.

6:46 AM  

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