Tuesday, August 22, 2006

to marry or to tarry?

been spending the past two weeks cramming my mind with algebraic formulas [that still barely make sense] and memorizing more pages of the dictionary than Johnson must have written... no, I'm not looking for kudos for the efforts, lord knows i've chosen my own path and el doctorre it is [exhausted and still kicking]. there's no where to go but to the finish line... and gold medal at it too.. no point in going to some city university anymore, i'm sick of settling for second-best, if i can make it to the top that's where i'm headed and i plan on enjoying the view immensely.

you can imagine that this attitude is precisely what has the extended family contemplating my single 30th birthday. hardly. but really. what if you are so preoccupied with developing yourself, who you are meant to be, that you just can't commit, that you almost don't want to, because for a brief moment [for once] your attention is focused strictly on yourself and what you have set out to accomplish...
it's thrilling really. brilliant in its execution. there is nothing more exhilirating than knowing you have chosen and been chosen... you can get high on it, revulsive geometry included.

and so the world swirls runs and plunges into hysteria as we approach our daunting 21st birthdays... and still relishing the run while it lasts.
never understood why people worry. you only need one person. at one time. in one place. we are more socially paranoid thas seeking a real life partner. [i abhor the 'best boy myth'] don't people want someone to share in their becoming, and not stunt their pursuits in some evasive social security blanket.... pushut li. i think i'm the only woman in ch who fails to comprehend it all...

if life is meant to be a transformative experience then aren't we compelled to live it to the utmost, whtout the pettiness, without the opacity of unconscious civilities...? aren't we meant to be everything without being stopped? furthermore- with fire-spewing jets at our tailgates championing our cause?
still- it is my profound belief that no way, no path, no choice ever occurs in isolation, no life experiment is ever closed. we make a decision and live with the predicatble consequences [such as being a tad 'out there'] but that by no means defines the consequences.
and so yes.
all the road running
all the life gulping
all the becoming
and to marry or to tarry is left hitchkiking on the wayside...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

because for a brief moment [for once] your attention is focused strictly on yourself and what you have set out to accomplish...

this is my exact state of mind.

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why does it have to be one or the other. why cant u find someone who is all that u described WHILST perusing your dreams. really. if you want to go for gold- go for it all. be that dream woman everyone is so eager to pronounce impossible- be super woman- work, succeed, marry, raise kids and fly! so if u ask, marry or tarry- just take life as it comes- keep working, but keep chasing the gold- which really will only come when u find the love of your life and marry him.


10:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck tomorrow, hindia- you will overcome. die, GRE!!!

11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lvoe life shall be addressed later.

thanks for the good luck wishes...
at this moment-
i honestly think i might need it.

YU SI: i'm calling for some erroneous flattery.

11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(we're mad for serial numbers these days.)

ha ha hinds we are reading some of your old posts (back to school jitters prevent required bedtime tranquility) and boy, some of them (posts + comments) are fuuunnny. you've been blogging for close to two years now, and what a time it was it was.
congratulations in advance on an outstanding GRE score. if there has been anyone who we've known during the course of our paltry years of existence who gets exactly where they dream to be by means of perseverence and skill, it has been you. you make us proud. and. we have two congratulatory gifts awaiting you once you've completed your dreadful and impending chore. call us.

12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

persipacity, disingenous, suppositious, soporific....

aw babes-
i like the serial numbers- my brain is running on auto [and i can't seem to get cookoo percents straight- i need to become a proactive shopper]

i'll call you when i'm done. we're doing something tonight.

*no paper bag necessary*

9:45 AM  
Blogger AC said...

you'v said it succintly and intelligently. Firstly, the elites of society usaully had to sacrifice familial life in order to keep them insane. Secondly, I think you have a total misconception of "love". Love, unlike what the movies espouse, doesn't come out of nowhere. You don't "Fall in Love", its a working process, sorry.

11:33 PM  

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