a space for kitchen magic
Listening to The Greencards: "time" (what else are you going to listen to while thinking of the Isle of Skye?) Well, today was a detox day. I'd like to recommend a face-infusion recipe to all: This is one of the most relaxing methods to ease the tension out of your face (ever realized how hard it is to keep that mask in place? unconsciously too...[i'm in purim-planning mode)]
Boil several quarts of water-
In a metal bowl (keeps the water hotter longer)
Add: dried lemon and a few mint leaves (this works well for gentlemen who want to have a clean, fresh smell)
(females add with rose hips and/or a few drops of lavender oil)
Infuse all ingredients together & place a large towel over your head.
Close your eyes. The heat may sting for a bit...but it's worth it. It burns the tension right out of your face....blow into the air to keep the heat circulating.... stay for about 15 minutes then replenish water. For a deeper effect- you can drink the same the tea infusion....
i'm sorry- my eyes hurt to much to be brilliantly entertaining.... i'm off to skye
I can think of other, extracurricular, uses for that bowl and towel trick...
such as?
i really like this one. check out, hindian.
The Winter
heh, heh, wazzup, wazzup, haha, here we are, what a world, and what a nice day.
good times. don't sink the blog. (tell me i'm a mind reader...?)
ttyl iyh please g-d
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