sweet sweet.... discomfort
Happy Happy New Year 2 All!
[i hope no one else was dumb like me to trek to school @ 8am for cancelled classes ;)]
Heard a wise word: "You only think when you're uncomfortable"
[And I mean in a particular sense]
May we have everything we want, should want and oughta want,
and a year of profound discomfort.
Shana Tova
alrighty im thinkin about five different options as to what this discomfort deal is all about..but im assumin you had somethin else in mind-care to share? (or am i supposed to read earlier posts or somethin..?)
its just mumble jumble. dont bother trying to figure it out i dont think she herself knows what shes talking about. ok sabra? and now to hindi. have a happy new blessed year with all the COMFORTS available to mankind. amen
sorry for the major delay in response, not very bloggerly of me.
if you are completely comfortable with everything in your life, you have no reason to think about it, beyond it or without it. you have no reason to think. period.
discomfort, of any kind etc. promotes thinking in general and a more conscious thinking in particular.
[take that anon]
may G-d smite me with such afflictions.
Is all thought caused from discomfort? What about thought to facilitate growth? I guess all growth has an element of discomfort.
profound discomfort pertaining to matters of spirituality certainly..
gemar chatima tova,
regards from hawaii :-)
ding ding.
just a reminder about the thing, people for the eating of tasty animals, at rashi's, thurs @ 8.
anon, you can come too.
cheers guys.
apologies for lack of response, been cookoo biz.
thanks grajee for the regards ;) [*blush*] though my homing pigeons are actually doing pretty good despite grungy weather
i was out on the bbq- mostly cuz the Deens fell asleep on me again [and i fell asleep too]. besides this year at the Annual Chicken Swinging- I'm with the PETA people.
well, we missed you anyway. sorry to say our fb marriage has been annulled: it's been confusing for some people, and then slurz writes something on my wall about a baby, and people are really freaking out. so, finis. anyway, have a good shabbos shuva. come on over at some point.
Delete this post before you blush.
oh hindiness. what is up. can't wait for garland-wearing succah fest, and the after party (wink winky wink). anyhooch. 'hope chaim nachman and will are being cooperative gentlemen. i should really email you or call, but i'm far too lazy. jah bless, sister.
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