Monday, April 04, 2005

amebic state

Funny how memory can play with our consciousness, amazing what the capacity of human tolerance proves to be under pressure... The mind plays its secret games of twisted logic, irksome like an incessant sqweek of a rusty hamster wheel that always returns to the same disparrant point. Could it be that we are so locked by our own minds, our shadowed mortality that we are too lonely in the weight of our existence to rejoice in the lightness of being? Have we failed to be objective when the entire universe swings dizzy circles around an axis of Self? From conception to death life's eternity flows around us- can we not see feel past the laws of Bodily gravity? Since the dawn of humanity we have been smitten by that which we fail to fully grasp, an emotion beyond reason that leaks into music, art, science; the philosophy of a leaky Infinite faucet. Can man reach that far beyond himself, can he live so obviously aware of that which guides him? Where is the symmetry you may ask? The perfect patterns for the experienced life? Truly, we must see the depth in contradiction as it reveals itself in the Oneness. Sorrow and joy must exist as a single unit, not in unision, but as One, in the One. And the mystery will still call, persistent as you get closer to its edge- beckoning to lose yourself in the recesses of emptiness...the cataclysmic birth into is from there that one builds a temple of peace, there in the vortex of endless nothingness, deep in the illusion of Everything. So freinds- Can we challenge our vision to see beyond ourselves and the reflection we so arrogantly impose on all that is? seems to be about the lucidity of Reality and the fragmentation of Vision. :) i know this sounds like an epiphany (i agree with you Lea- no epiphanies on blogs :) still this little free-write has helped develop an idea in my head...yah, i am not sure that made sense...seems i've burst the last of my synapses.... :) namastaei people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hin, thanks for support!
Driving is the most awesome feeling - the vastness of the road, the endless possibility, the sheer freedom... I'm in heaven! :)
Gotta go back to 'my kids', I'll update you on my fascinating life another time, just wanted to say hi...
Take care Hon... and call me sometime...

1:50 PM  
Blogger Lea said...

Amoebic, sweety. Always faithful,

4:40 PM  
Blogger HindiK said...

amebic or amoebic dahlin'
do check it up :D

12:17 PM  

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