Thursday, October 06, 2005

hey there...

Guess one of the best reminders to update your blog is when you become repulsed looking at it.
Hope everyone's chag was nice...thank the lord of hosts, mine was wonderful (tho' i'd like to propose implimenting dairy meals)... a year sweet like the wonderful organic honeys Rose and Chaya Langerino buy... (i'm told that there's a major market of gourmet and organic honeys)

so i guess, one holiday over...two to go....(i'm calculating how much fish, poultry and booze we consume in this one month) i'm busy looking into vacation options...Peru $321, Puerto Rico $250- hmmm where to go for Thanksgiving?? I was thinking of driving up North and actually attempting to brave the slopes. Despite my deep appreciation for snow and mountains i cannot escape that horrific image of Bridget Jones as she so gracefully crashed down the mountainside...if i do decide to go, i'll warn you all in due advance.

Today was a beautiful day... too warm to wear my new boots and too hot to wear anything but summer clothes. Tricky situation this is, one cannot comfortably wear fall weights nor can they still linger in their thongs. New Yorkers must seriously have a closet for that one week of fall and spring weather.... Based on the observations i conducted from a dreadfully boring class window this morning 63% of those who passed Boylan Hall were wearing bootwear... while the remaining 15% were in sandals and the last 22% some sneaker numbers. This brief moment of seasonal transcience causes me to stand in front of my closet wondering how to wear fall with the remnants of summer and fall without the fallness of the season... this week offers all excessive shoppers (contact me, i want to hire one) a chance to run a bit wild. Freedom of seasonal expression i suppose. For me, a quick glance at the alarm clock settled it, i ended up with loafers, my still uneven black Loom skirt and a blue silk scarf around my neck in a lame attempt to hold my pounding head to my still-sleeping body. life without caffiene is abominable.

Since i've last been in the cyber world i've developed a new addiction. So engrossed am i in this latest obsession, i have taken the liberty of not doing homework or any work related activites till after Columbus Day, or until I make it to the 5th season and see if Carrie ends up with Mr. Biggs. It's fabulous to be totally involved with a soap-opera like, chick-lit story line. so wonderfully typically female. yay. i haven't been this way....hmm...since my last little obsess.

While i am in blab mode- i went to a wonderful recitation this afternoon (with a fast till 7 there was plenty of time to kill). Of course on this rare occassion the English department managed to provide refreshments that i could actually eat (especially that chocolate biscotti i adore). hmmph. The occasion was the 50th anniversay of Allen Ginsberg's reading of "Howl" in San Francisco. This is my most favorite poem ever. Its so physical in verse, I could not move for three minutes afterward. At the risk of sounding pretentious (which i am prepared for here) it incorporates breath, word rhythm and all things fabulous... it's just a mess of brilliance.
here's a bit:
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving
hysterical naked,
dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn for an angry fix,
angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the
starry dynamo in the machinery of night,
who poverty and tatters and hollow-eyed and high sat up smoking in the
supernatural darkness of cold-water flats floating across the tops of
cities contemplating jazz,
who bared their brains to Heaven under the El and saw Mohammedan angels
staggering on tenement roofs illuminated,
who passed through universities with radiant cool eyes hallucinating Arkansas
and Blak-like tragedy among the scholars of war,
who were expelled from the academies for crazy & publishing obscene odes
on the windows of the skull...

to my wonderful audience (if you are still out there...if not...i'm totally cool talking to myself of my childhood imaginary friend Mr. Peso) i wish you all successful month (my unmentionable conveinently squashed in there) stay low on the sugar and wheat and come to a spinning class or could be my guest.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ktiva vakatima tova

9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My brain's too frizzled (I made that up) to comment - my co-teacher decided that she's depressed, so she's taking off till after the holidays... But I just wanted to say 'Howdy', was great seeing you on my brief sojourn to the States, and I wish you a year filled with all you want, and, more importantly, all you need.
If I'd get off Thanksgiving we could run away together, but seeing that you're celebrating freedom from US... we're not doing much celebrating on this side of the Atlantic... :(

8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey beauty... Good to be back in blogland again, not that I am blogging, but you know,reading your latest post is good enough.. Unfortunately I have to say that being the businesswoman I am all things intellectual are now beyond my comprehension, so unless you're showing me a margin analysis or some forecast data this poetry is going to go wayyy beyond my mental capabilities.. sounds shocking aie, well never fear, this week, and i mean it, THIS WEEK i will sign up for uni.. in what else, but business and commerce, but alas i'll do a double degree in writing to make hinda (and my self, but yeah, forgot about her...) happy. I like how I don't need to write you emails, child, instead the entire universe can see all I have to say on here.. Anyhow I should give you a ring sometime so send me an email with your number cos I still can't be assed to connect my American charger to the adaptor thingi so I can charge my old precious nextel and get out all my US numbers.. yup its a mission, so just shoot me and email and simplify my life. Luv ya babee. XX Rishoi

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hindy. there is a honey guy at the shuk who has great honey, next year u got to have some of his brew.
btw u get 2 points u mentioned my sister and my city in this post!!!

sending love from Jerusalem...

Per & Yum

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to my fabulous indi
we love you

9:33 PM  

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