Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
i am the lollipop fairy!

gotta fly.
shabbat shalom.
[lay- i assure you the silence is meaningless, unless of course you depart meaning to that which is meaningless, in an attempt to infuse meaning and create the illusion of meaning and all that is truly meaningful, while all the while It essentially remains utterly meaningless.... yeah yeah.. i'll update eventually ;) call you from the road.]

Saturday, March 11, 2006
Avoid the Abyss of Indifference
what an invigorating night... just finished walking with the old folks [get outside! get outside! such a foggy moon out- and right past Botanical Gardens it smells like damp manure {Parksville!!}], racing with my Dad down Classon Avenue- amazing that the old man can still beat me ;)
Anyway, really wonderful visitors this Shabbos- amidst the comings and goings of Friday night's older crowd and shabbos afternoon's "16ers" i had an idea....
as usual school came up and the general pedagogical strategy was analyzed, defended and critiqued. Both the trauma of the elder alumni and the current experiences of younger high schoolers were discussed at length.... fascinating discussion ensued... anyway- next weekend i head to jersey to outline the basic approach of the new hebrew school curriculum that i've been working on...the esteemed hersons of basking ridge and i have been bouncing ideas back and forth and i've been writing the project outline for months. i'd love to get some feedback from y'all. i listen to moo's friends and my own ex-classmates all the time- make changes, write notes, modify... and it really helps. anyone want to share any ideas, thoughts, and "do nots" that might enhance my own depth and breadth of understanding on this project?
oh and good book i read this weekend the gnostic discoveries- if you liked the historic references in the da vinci code or have any archeological interests in the nag hammadi scrolls- its really fascinating.... lea we missed you. love to all in the san fran universe- and ask yummy and per if they could give you my chick-lit slipper that i left in their apt. in izz. [cuz i'll for sure forget to tell you this when i speak to you].
shavuah tov and namastei.
"the joke is on the sun"
as the game continues you
should seek to say ever more clearly
what you truly
even if what you truly
turns out to be
it can be a hazardous
and difficult
if you can't laugh
at the impossible odds
we all endure as
we seek to understand
and know
then you will
surely sleep
in the
Anyway, really wonderful visitors this Shabbos- amidst the comings and goings of Friday night's older crowd and shabbos afternoon's "16ers" i had an idea....
as usual school came up and the general pedagogical strategy was analyzed, defended and critiqued. Both the trauma of the elder alumni and the current experiences of younger high schoolers were discussed at length.... fascinating discussion ensued... anyway- next weekend i head to jersey to outline the basic approach of the new hebrew school curriculum that i've been working on...the esteemed hersons of basking ridge and i have been bouncing ideas back and forth and i've been writing the project outline for months. i'd love to get some feedback from y'all. i listen to moo's friends and my own ex-classmates all the time- make changes, write notes, modify... and it really helps. anyone want to share any ideas, thoughts, and "do nots" that might enhance my own depth and breadth of understanding on this project?
oh and good book i read this weekend the gnostic discoveries- if you liked the historic references in the da vinci code or have any archeological interests in the nag hammadi scrolls- its really fascinating.... lea we missed you. love to all in the san fran universe- and ask yummy and per if they could give you my chick-lit slipper that i left in their apt. in izz. [cuz i'll for sure forget to tell you this when i speak to you].
shavuah tov and namastei.
"the joke is on the sun"
as the game continues you
should seek to say ever more clearly
what you truly
even if what you truly
turns out to be
it can be a hazardous
and difficult
if you can't laugh
at the impossible odds
we all endure as
we seek to understand
and know
then you will
surely sleep
in the
Thursday, March 09, 2006
And happy belated birthday to Dr. Suess [i believe it's 104th] if i had some time i'd write a post in Suess-ese [which i am a big fan of] maybe after midterms Baby Berkie and I will get to it.... also Happy Sweet Sweet 16 [almost midnight love] to my sissie- Moo... i'm sure it'll be a sweet one, as you're even baking your birthday cake ;) oh and get this- another one of the Shnoozies is engaged [it's just a wild world ;)]
Sunday, March 05, 2006
forget fleshing sugar highs
forget fleshing sugar highs... those serve one purpose: crash et la shluff. not gonna bother entering a profound discourse on the shidduch system either [unless someone is going to start that] mostly, cuz i'm not really sure that i know what i'm talking about [uh... crossing the personal plane that is ;) ].
thought i'd share a beautiful moment i had today. Yuda and i went bowling as per our usual sunday session. for once, i beat him [mostly cuz of my lucky green polka-dot sox] and got two bowling pencils as a souvenir [i collect them]. on the way home i convinced Mr. Inactive to stop by the park for a spell- just cuz it's so beautiful out and the fresh air is good for him. So as we're walking around licking our ice cream cones and in the distance we see a yeshivah boy learning under a tree. kids were running around playing, throwing balls and there was this lone guy wrapped in his own universe learning... i'm not so overly emotional about everything i see, but this...this was just really moving...wish i had some drawing skill to capture that image.... it was so radically simplistic. unknown bochur singing softly as he was studying amidst all the cacophony of life.... wow.... i am moved.
it was a rare moment and it made me think of that Chabad colony that was established by one of the rabbeim- the image of the Chossid harvesting while singing a niggun beneath the great blue sky...
As we got closer- Yuda- who is obsessed with the Yiddish Yom Tov Erlich songs realized the boy was singing/translating in Yiddish and got so excited. He was dying to walk over and meet him but we decided that it would be best not to bother him and quietly walked off [or as quiet as the two of us can be]... and of course on the way back I put on Yiddish Gems and let him sing his lungs out.
I say we bring it all back- like Chana'le and I talked about years ago- a real Yiddish revolution, that radical spiritualism, that Chassidic wholesomeness.... it would be absolutely incredible....
thought i'd share a beautiful moment i had today. Yuda and i went bowling as per our usual sunday session. for once, i beat him [mostly cuz of my lucky green polka-dot sox] and got two bowling pencils as a souvenir [i collect them]. on the way home i convinced Mr. Inactive to stop by the park for a spell- just cuz it's so beautiful out and the fresh air is good for him. So as we're walking around licking our ice cream cones and in the distance we see a yeshivah boy learning under a tree. kids were running around playing, throwing balls and there was this lone guy wrapped in his own universe learning... i'm not so overly emotional about everything i see, but this...this was just really moving...wish i had some drawing skill to capture that image.... it was so radically simplistic. unknown bochur singing softly as he was studying amidst all the cacophony of life.... wow.... i am moved.
it was a rare moment and it made me think of that Chabad colony that was established by one of the rabbeim- the image of the Chossid harvesting while singing a niggun beneath the great blue sky...
As we got closer- Yuda- who is obsessed with the Yiddish Yom Tov Erlich songs realized the boy was singing/translating in Yiddish and got so excited. He was dying to walk over and meet him but we decided that it would be best not to bother him and quietly walked off [or as quiet as the two of us can be]... and of course on the way back I put on Yiddish Gems and let him sing his lungs out.
I say we bring it all back- like Chana'le and I talked about years ago- a real Yiddish revolution, that radical spiritualism, that Chassidic wholesomeness.... it would be absolutely incredible....
run off of a sugar high [to be fleshed out]
Every good writer knows that they should write what they know, or at least what they can make up and pretend to end up knowing... So after such a lovely early morning with The Rose, I'm wondering what do i actually know? Other than i am The Brown-Eyed Girl? Hmmm... most days i think a cross between nada, nienta, zilch-o-rama and ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING....kinda cool cuz i'm always stuck discovering things about myself that i didn't know that i knew... hey, what the hell...i'd like to see how far i can get....
okay, things i learnt this exact weekend- i know that i look approximately 1/8th Samoan with straight hair... speaking of which i learnt never to wear it down too long as it's too tempting for my married brother to pull in reminscing our childhood... also i truly know the difference between canned whipped cream and the real fresh kind [but as exhibited by tonight's sugar fix, i must admit that i'd eat either] I know that as a direct result of sugar fix i'm too wired to dream a little dream of me and still refuse to keep any kind of Freudian dream journal to help me sleep [tho' it was a good idea my dear]...;) I also know that i am appalled at recent horror story: someone sent in their wedding invitation a card asking people to make a shidduch phone call in "honor" of their wedding [including matchmakers and websites]... talk about spreading the love... hey i'm all for the love-train but not really the invitee kind... i think for the most part the shidduch system is pretty decent, however; i also know that i would totally dance in the streets and help organize a prom "for potentially [emphasis here]- potential relationships only" in borrowed summer white dresses... let's do it like it was supposed to be back in the hey day:) who needs mailed memos and age-defying reminders [live live live mantra inserted here]?
i think eventually [like post 21.5] they are just going to start emailing wrinkles to cut and paste on your face ephshar after 30 a scarlet letter [narly.].. loco yoko.... man, i'm awfully glad not to be unhappy... speaking of the big H. word- Happy A-Day to the Mama and the Papa of this house.. may they continue to rock and roll with the funky unision of two shiny big-league bowling balls.... that. & Na Hama, for some unknown screw ball reason, refuses to give up liking eggplants- even tho they are absolutely gross... takeh... rick's car is also beginning to resemble a stalk of asparagus...something is way up- i must be needing Spring. yup.. i saw her again last night she promised she'll be acoming a'round that ol' mountain any day now.
okay, things i learnt this exact weekend- i know that i look approximately 1/8th Samoan with straight hair... speaking of which i learnt never to wear it down too long as it's too tempting for my married brother to pull in reminscing our childhood... also i truly know the difference between canned whipped cream and the real fresh kind [but as exhibited by tonight's sugar fix, i must admit that i'd eat either] I know that as a direct result of sugar fix i'm too wired to dream a little dream of me and still refuse to keep any kind of Freudian dream journal to help me sleep [tho' it was a good idea my dear]...;) I also know that i am appalled at recent horror story: someone sent in their wedding invitation a card asking people to make a shidduch phone call in "honor" of their wedding [including matchmakers and websites]... talk about spreading the love... hey i'm all for the love-train but not really the invitee kind... i think for the most part the shidduch system is pretty decent, however; i also know that i would totally dance in the streets and help organize a prom "for potentially [emphasis here]- potential relationships only" in borrowed summer white dresses... let's do it like it was supposed to be back in the hey day:) who needs mailed memos and age-defying reminders [live live live mantra inserted here]?
i think eventually [like post 21.5] they are just going to start emailing wrinkles to cut and paste on your face ephshar after 30 a scarlet letter [narly.].. loco yoko.... man, i'm awfully glad not to be unhappy... speaking of the big H. word- Happy A-Day to the Mama and the Papa of this house.. may they continue to rock and roll with the funky unision of two shiny big-league bowling balls.... that. & Na Hama, for some unknown screw ball reason, refuses to give up liking eggplants- even tho they are absolutely gross... takeh... rick's car is also beginning to resemble a stalk of asparagus...something is way up- i must be needing Spring. yup.. i saw her again last night she promised she'll be acoming a'round that ol' mountain any day now.