Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Warning: this is a long post

Sometimes there's just so much to say, it's easier to say nothing at all... besides as of late i have realized that this blog has become its own creature (i'm thinking an intimate version of frankenstein) and i have zero control whose eyes behold what i write (not that i'm quivering here.) ...

Holidays are going beautiful (thank the lord of hosts). On principle I hate being subjected to my things- (i like to fantasize that if i flushed my phone down the toilet, life would continue in its blissful pattern) and right now much to my discern- i am at the mercy of my computer (a truly crappy one)- and i am not pleased (school papers are being held hostage on my laptapy)...

Refocusing my energy here...

Today it's pouring, my favorite weather forecast (that is a serious statement). I often ask my students what supernatural power they would wish for if they could have any, i know what i would cloak of invisibility, no supersonic speeding abilites, nor would i want to read minds...i would want to be a weather magi :) seriously- i would love to conjur up wild whirlwinds and fierce thunderstorms and pound every Yellow Brick Road ever constructed... lordy lordy getting high on that energy...(now there's a relieving thought.) i kinda like the idea of the whole world being inconvienced by the rain- makes you acknowledge something a wee higher than yourself...

now that i am in lightning thrower mode...some days you just have to give up your 'working' capacity and watch the showers fall...and let it go...all of it...every last drop that blocks the Flow...

So i've been doing a little pleasure reading (for once.) and i thought i'd share some of my findings with the public- life experience often develops from one's instincts (despite the 'knowing' factor, i think we can agree on that). Do we not all act on the awareness of Self, ot the knowing of our instincts?- And are we all not in the act of becoming? becoming a living story... In each individual story there are twelve instincts:

1. the instinct to shine in your life from a true center; 2. the instinct to have a home (a place of Self); 3. the instinct to communicate (in any form); 4. the instinct to love; 5. the instinct to act; 6. the instinct to philosophize, to sum it all up; 7. the instinct to commit (call it a guitar, call it a man); 8. the instinct to heal (your puppy, your soul); 9. the instinct to express truth; 10. the instinct to express soul (namastaei man.); 11. the instinct to express power (the god in me...); 12. the instinct to gaze at your past and anticipate the future... (run with it boy- map your natal chart...or let me if you dare...)
so in the thread of the rain, and in the spirit of the tears falling from the sky...what goes around comes around- works for tragic precipitation and inner karma....

shine on you crazy diamonds- all of this beautiful Rain...

Friday, April 22, 2005

Hours to go...

Just wanted to wish everyone out there a joyful and healthiful holiday- (kusher un' freilichin Pesach) enjoy this time with your family, friends and loved ones- Pesach is a week-long family event: (our packed house resembles Bubby's boarding house with Olive Garden noise and excess :) Pesach's a great time to get healthy physically (if you stay away from the chocolate and shmaltz) and spiritually (exodus of Self- redeem your Inner Light) i must return to potato pealin' duty...and Shabbat Shalom :)

Monday, April 18, 2005

Hope y'all like the pics- and no...i am not changing my major :) The Reading is tomorrow and i am still seeking some form of poetic inspiration butterflies a flutterin'...
Got a great qoute for all you Sherlock fans out there. This one is from the novella "A Study in Scarlet"...right so this is Sherlock Holmes to Doc Watson:
"'Do you remember what Darwin says about music? He claims that the power of producing and appreciating it existed among the human race long before the power of speech was arrived at. Perhaps that is why we are so subtly influenced by it. There are vague memories in our souls of those misty centuries when the world was in its childhood.'
'That's rather a broad idea,' I [Watson] remarked.
'One's ideas must be as broad as Nature is they are to interpret Nature.' he answered".
I think this is one of the Bloodhound's most poetic lines- and i absolutely love the imagery (despite my non-Darwin camping). To own ideas as broad as nature...imagine leaving the ingrained homophobic Shell of Self and no longer observe but penetrate the spice, colour, sounds within that which lives all around us...overwhelmingly brilliant notion this vein of thought I apologize to Freaktopia the Wizard for removing an interesting sexual suggestion from m'blog- you win dahlin... at times i too retreat into what feels intutively right... :)

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Pretzel Face  Posted by Hello

the beautifullll couple 2  Posted by Hello

The beautifulllllll couple.... Posted by Hello

Jose' you're fabulous!!  Posted by Hello

Srul and Pretzel Man Posted by Hello

The LEhayim!  Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

apres le concerte

les yeux a black eyed Gypsy lass myself i love them and their music. I am awed... those flaming violins, the yiddish, the French, the melancholy, the humour, mon Deau they make those violins laugh and cry...

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

ha ha hee ha :)

yes! people i am breaking free of the clocks....i now have the power to control time...(& j.v. no crowley involved in that one :) I refuse to believe that right now it is 2am just because my plastic wired computer screen tells me so... and since when am i subjected to time??! (o Miss Dubone where art thou!) I just finished my run for the evening and in my head it is that's that.... now I am going to enjoy the rest of my evening. Seems like everyone's joining the blogland these;;;'s lovely guys!! ... i hope i will be able to visit everyone's at some point, i will try my best....last day of grammar bootcamp tomorrow (modifying clauses are seriously rocking my world) and then Lee and I head to our "Les Yeaux Noir" concert (yes, they're the French gypsy klezmerists...) know that you're craziest scoprio i've ever seen :). i'm sorry my blog doesn't aestetically please you, we can talk color arrangements some time :) I'm impressed you know so many Jewish names...figures that they are all female :) seriously though it's great having a metrosexually groomed friend like yourself to advise yours truly on her hair, clothes, and class comments....forget law you should be one of the queer eye guys....good luck with your teeth on thursday (acosta will miss you and the 'quiet':) chaya- hope you made a 'root canal' decision- the quicker it's done the better...
nehama- we need to talk about you're new blog...estoh veggie dinner will be lovely, i am clearing :) and YUM!!!!!!! YUUUMMM!!! and PERETZ!!!!! YAHOOOOOOOOO!!!
i think that just about elegantly sums it up :) joy, peace, and happiness to you all. really, i mean that. now people, i am going to go hit a frying pan over my head.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Peretz and Yummy are engaged!!!
Mazal Tov!!! :) :) :) Congratulations!!
it's great when people find one another...but friends...that just marvelously fantastic

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

i found this qoute today amidst my readings of Horace...
"Scribimus Indocti Doctique..."
loosely translated as 'and skillfull, or unskillful, all must write-' indeed Horace...indeed... :) nighto folks.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

sittin' here on my lunch break- which consits of an o so exciting can of peas...hmmm....
When i am an old woman i shall wear purple-
With a red hat which doesn't go,
and doesn't suit me.
And i shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves and satin sandals,
and say, we've no money for butter.
I shall sit on the pavement in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along public buildings.
And make-up for the sobriety of my youth-
i shall go out in my slippers in the rain
and pick flowers from other people's gardens
and learn to spit.
you can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat-
and eat 3 lbs. of chocolate at a go
or only bread and pickles for a week
and hoard pens, pencils, and beer mats and other thing in boxes.
But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
and pay our rent and not swear on the street
and set a good example for the children
we must have friends to dinner and read the papers.
but maybe i ought to practice a bit now?
so people who know me, are not too shocked and suprised-
when suddenly i am old, and start wearing
I (pronoun/subject) am (verb) currently (adverb 'ly' rule) in (prepositional placement) grammar boot camp (object of preposition). Rule: objects of prepositions can never be sentence subjects!! Now isn't that something to tattoo on your forehead? Seriously, a good one to remember...people, people, it's not "eat healthy!" it's "eat healthily"... :) hasta leugo.

Monday, April 04, 2005

amebic state

Funny how memory can play with our consciousness, amazing what the capacity of human tolerance proves to be under pressure... The mind plays its secret games of twisted logic, irksome like an incessant sqweek of a rusty hamster wheel that always returns to the same disparrant point. Could it be that we are so locked by our own minds, our shadowed mortality that we are too lonely in the weight of our existence to rejoice in the lightness of being? Have we failed to be objective when the entire universe swings dizzy circles around an axis of Self? From conception to death life's eternity flows around us- can we not see feel past the laws of Bodily gravity? Since the dawn of humanity we have been smitten by that which we fail to fully grasp, an emotion beyond reason that leaks into music, art, science; the philosophy of a leaky Infinite faucet. Can man reach that far beyond himself, can he live so obviously aware of that which guides him? Where is the symmetry you may ask? The perfect patterns for the experienced life? Truly, we must see the depth in contradiction as it reveals itself in the Oneness. Sorrow and joy must exist as a single unit, not in unision, but as One, in the One. And the mystery will still call, persistent as you get closer to its edge- beckoning to lose yourself in the recesses of emptiness...the cataclysmic birth into is from there that one builds a temple of peace, there in the vortex of endless nothingness, deep in the illusion of Everything. So freinds- Can we challenge our vision to see beyond ourselves and the reflection we so arrogantly impose on all that is? seems to be about the lucidity of Reality and the fragmentation of Vision. :) i know this sounds like an epiphany (i agree with you Lea- no epiphanies on blogs :) still this little free-write has helped develop an idea in my head...yah, i am not sure that made sense...seems i've burst the last of my synapses.... :) namastaei people.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

the lover of life makes the whole world into his family
-Charles Baudelaire
"The Painter of Modern Life"
(a dude i truly dig.)