1. you have to avoid being to risque because you can never predict when Mrs. Korf will take up websurfing as a means to spread her message to the world (as if.)
2. you have to avoid being to graphic because you never know when some bored dormitory of boys will appreciate your crassness (uh hu.)
3. you have to avoid becoming to personal diary like- cuz no one is interested in reading if you ate breakfast today or the fact that your new 4 inch heels gave you blisters (hmm...)
4. you have to avoid being to audience-oriented... it's supposed to be original like you're indifferent to the fact that you have no idea who the hell is reading what you write.... (right. convince yourself.)
That was for you, Rico, love...
So what are you left with? I am wondering... being that my life is often Bridget Jones meets periodics librarian (basically an extremely boring book worm/academic-a-holic drama queen) it gets a bit complicated. Last night at 4am i decided to watch Phantom of the Opera, I am not sure why i did that. I desperately needed the sleep, and I desperately needed to have some serious self-downtime. I love the music, I have have and always will. Ever since Rose and I saw it on Broadway. Anyone have the score? Or must I download it from some illegal website (from some unfortunate immigrant sitting in a drippy basement in Chinatown trying to make money to buy popsicle sticks to mail home so that his mother can build a raft for her two extra daughters and ship them out of China?) guess I'll just have to.... (lord major ramble mode- that was a run-on fahhhshizz).
In addition to this enlightening subject I hate doctors. Now, I don't hate all doctors (I myself will be one in 7 years time) uh oh getting into personal territory... next.
So what books am I reading? A very bad anthology of poetry from Barnes and Noble, no wonder it was $4.95 it has a terribly poor selection. Finally got some new fiction to read like In the Midnight Garden of Good and Evil etc. ...also reading, last month's Reader's Digest (what happened to that mag it used to be so nice to read), last month's National Geographic and an article my Dad clipped me out about BC and its political professors. (HAHA anthropology/evolution discussion return).
Right, so should i bring up some very intellecutal observation about something?? Like if abortion is good, or if we should promote the death-penalty, or be into stem cell research, or do a portrait on female sexuality, or investigate if my mom's new crumpet recipe is truly as low-fat as she says.... How about... the fact that i will be spending my summer carrying a back pack bigger than me, eating warm tuna (ugh. i suffer from tuna trauma as it is) on a knee that predicts the next rainfall but doesn't work very well unless it's in a 150 degree Bikram yoga class??? dunno... wonder what lea, ricko, entropy, rishe have on their blogs maybe i should steal something clever from them.
what the hell.
i'm gonna go balance my check-book...