Amsterdam- the place.
We went to the Van Gogh Museum with our little new posse- it was incredible, I will not attempt to do justice in mere words. The beauty of this place moves me deeply- the simplicity, the art, the combination of country and city. Today Rose and I went to Zodjnik, a little village a train ride away. We fed cows there, climbed windmills, walked around REAL parks, its like a fairy land. There's even a chocolate factory there- the place smells like chocolate. I feel like i am in a dream.
Every place I have been in I can live. The small cottage on the hill in Zanchek, the quiet gray stone flat in Dublin, the color and magnificence of Paris. I can do this forever....there is so much out there ....
We stayed here for two nights and three days. Meeting exciting friendly and wonderful people. The standard culture here is so polite, pleasant and kind (minus the obvious exceptions), the people sweet and understanding to the way we butcher their street names. I swear, we stayed in a place that sounds like moving jello- Owledershaljk Vangerashk. Good luck trying to find that.
We went to the Portugese synagogue. It's quite the experience. Its hard to find because its set back, behind a facade of homes- but inside...the magnitude of the structure- the open rafters and delicate woodworkings are something.... nothing short but magnificent.
Yes- we are getting hungry, just in case you are wondering.
We are down to 8 granola bars- and are officially rationing the oatmeal and tuna- we rotate every other day eating lots of cucumbers (peaches here are a Euro 1/2) so we are sticking away from fruit till it gets cheaper.
We are not wasting away yet tho' another three weeks of this tho' and who knows? Maybe we can buy one museum entrance for the price of one... ;)
So what else? Hmm.... Anne Frank Huis, Rembrandt's Huis, Jewish Museum, the Big Museum here in Amsterdam (I am not bothering to spell it.) and of course the night time attractions.
Still, tho' we are again planning to stay here too, we move onward to Kobenhaven- where we hear there's food and have yet to find a place.
Thank you all for the comments- makes us stop at Internet points and communicate with others. Mama- stop singing Carmen San Diego :) (i hear it from here) singing is not the family forte, eh? ;) I just realized i haven't called home in about a week- i will (can almost promise) call before Shabbos- sorry your daughter is so blessedly...uhm... forgetful.
Chickitero Amigos.
Hinderella in Netherlanderella (the Dutch flag looks like the French in reverse)